Focus Advanced Publishing Software Tutorial

Post Stock-Take

From time to time stock takes are conducted to verify the stock levels and account for differences. Focus allows the user to adjust stock to reflect the correct physical count.

The Product module enables you to post Stock-Take in two ways

Manual Stock-Take

  1. Go to Accounts > Stock Ledger > Stock Take > Manually
  2. Select a Stock Location
  3. Enter a revised quantity in the selected stock record
  4. Enter a Reference No
  5. Click Save to finish

Electronic Stock-Take

The Electronic Stock Take feature enables you to import stock take values from an external comma separated values (csv) file. To use the Electronic Stock Take feature,
  1. Go to Accounts > Stock Ledger > Stock Take > Electronically
  2. Click Next
  3. In the Select Folder box locate the folder containing the csv file.
  4. Tick the box beside the file containing the values you wish to import
  5. Click Next
  6. The system verifies the incoming values using the preferred product identifier and displays the results. Invalid entries are flagged in RED, in which case, click the Back button to make corrections to file.
  7. If there are no invalid entries found, then all entries are shown in BLUE. Records with negative numbers will be marked, and later ignored
  8. Select a location in the Stock Location box
  9. Click Next to continue.
  10. Click Next to continue.
The import process will
  • verify the incoming values using the preferred product identifier
  • compute the differences between the incoming and the database quantities
  • write stock activity history into the stock transactions table
  • update the location quantities table

Product Identifier

The Electronic Stock Take feature is able to use either the stock code or ISBN as product identifier. To set your choice of product identifier
  1. Go to Maintenance Preferences
  2. Select Other Preferences
  3. Expand Stock Ledger > Sections One
  4. Go to For electronic stock adjustment panel, the tick the Match stock record by stock codes in electronic stock take box.

To prepare the import csv file

Please note the following
  • the Electronic Stock Take feature will only import from comma separated values (csv) file
  • the file must have only two (2) columns, column 1 must be the identifier (stock code/ISBN), and column 2 must be the stock take quantities
  • the quantities must be positive integers, as negative numbers will be ignored
  • the file must contain only the data values without the column header line
  • after processing the file will be renamed to extension OLD.