Royalty Statements

Calculating Royalty

  1. Go to Publishing > Royalty
  2. Click Create
  3. Select a date range for the royalty period
  4. Click Create

This will calculate royalties, for all titles with sales, within the specified royalty period. It does not post the royalties to the purchase ledger.

For more analysis of the royalties due for the specified period run the Royalty Checking Sheet.

Royalty Checking Sheet

The Royalty Checking Sheet is a sales summary report for the royalty period (i.e. date range) you are about to pay or work on. It highlights the following:

  1. All titles that were sold in the date range.
  2. For titles that attract royalty, it will confirm the details of the beneficiaries per title or lack of it.
  3. Will confirm each author’s royalty mode and rates.

NOTE: Please be aware that the report shows all titles sold in the date range, including “fee-only titles” and “own copyright titles”. To avoid getting an embarrassing phone call from an author, we advise that you run off the sales summary report, called Royalty Checking Sheet.

  1. Go to Reports > Report Viewer
  2. Navigate to and select the Royalty Checking Sheet report
  3. Click Display Report
  4. Select the date range and click 

Single-Title royalty statements

The Single-title per author statement presents the details of royalty per author per title. It the primary royalty accounting document. The WHT is the only deduction shown on the Single-title statement.

Often you will need to use the single title per author statement in conjunction with the author’s statement of account.

  1. Go to Publishing > Royalty
  2. Select a royalty Batchnumber
  3. The system defaults on the Single-Titletab, otherwise click the Single-Title tab to display a list of statements
  4. Double-click on a statement to display it.

Multi-Title royalty statements

The Multi-title per author statement presents all the author’s titles on one statement. It is not the primary royalty accounting document. It includes all deductions such as WHT, advances per title, charges identified per title, carry over credit notes from previous statements per title.

  1. Go to Publishing > Royalty
  2. Select a royalty Batchnumber
  3. Click on the Multi-Titletab to display a list of statements
  4. Double-click on a statement to display it.

If you wish to export another royalty batch, simply select the required batch from the batch drop-down list provided, and then repeat the above steps.

Post the royalty statements to the purchase ledger

  1. Go to Publishing > Royalty
  2. Click Create
  3. Select a date range for the royalty period
  4. Tick the Update to Ledger box
  5. Click Create
This will calculate royalties for the specified royalty period and post the royalty statements to the purchase ledger.