Period End Activities
At the end of each Period you need to close the
Before you can perform period end routines you need to be exclusively signed on.
Click to find other activities you might need to perform before you close the Period.
Before you can perform period and year end routines you need to be exclusively signed on.
On the Start Page, tick the “Exclusive sign-on” box, then click “Sign In”

Sales Ledgers Period End
- Go to Accounts > Sales Ledger> End > Period End .
- To continue click Next then follow the instructions.
- If you want Focus to post the stock valuation figure as part of the sales period end process, then tick the option “Post stock valuation figures”. Otherwise leave un-ticked.
- Confirm the codes for the stock accounts then continue.
- Click ‘Next’ to Confirm the stock valuation figures.
- To continue click ‘Next’.
This action will
- close the sales ledger
- update accounts’ brought-forward balances
- reset periodic allocations in transactions files
- batch post transactions to nominal ledger and
- trigger the start of the next period

Purchase Ledger Period End
- Go to Accounts > Purchase Ledger> End > Period End .
- To continue click Next then follow the instructions.
This action will
- close the purchase ledger
- update accounts’ brought-forward balances
- reset periodic allocations in transactions files
- batch post transactions to nominal ledger and
- trigger the start of the next period

Getting Started
Sales Orders Processing
Title Database
Customer Records
Supplier Records
Purchase Orders
Nominal Accounts
Period & Year End Activities
Job Costing
Cost of Sales Overview
Post costs from Purchases
Post Direct Job Transactions
Calculate unit costs
Job Profile / Enquiry
Calculate Royalty
Print, Email Royalty Statements
Post Royalty Payments
Withholding Tax on Royalty
Add Author Records
Set Royalty Rates
Set Rights Royalty
Editorial & Production
GDPR Compliance
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Electronic Web Interface (EWI)
Making Tax Digital
Notification Emails