ONIX 3.0

The ONIX for Books Product Information Message is the international standard for representing and communicating book industry product information in electronic form.

The goal of ONIX is to standardize the transmission of product information so that wholesalers, retailers and others in the supply chain will all be able to accept information electronically transferred in ONIX International format.

For more on ONIX visit www.editeur.org and www.bic.org.uk.

Basic data elements ensure that the title record meets the requirements for ONIX validation. Only titles which meet ONIX validation get included in the output ONIX message file. All the Basic Data Elements can be updated on the general product window. The complete set of ONIX data elements are however accessible for update on the ONIX Records page.

Load the latest ONIX Code Lists

Focus Advanced Publishing software ships the latest ONIX code lists as published by BIC / EDItEUR. To load the complete set of ONIX code lists do the following

  1. Select MaintenanceData Manager > Data Utilities
  2. Tick number 22 ‘Import Onix Codes (as downloaded from BIC website)
  3. Click OK

EDItEUR, the trade standards body for the global book and serials supply chains, in association with BIC, maintain the standard set of Code Lists which underpin all ONIX for Books and ONIX for Serials message formats.

Register ONIX Recipients

ONIX recipient profile can only be created from an existing customer record. To setup an ONIX recipient profile, first ensure they have a customer record, and then do the following

  1. Select PublishingProduction ONIX 3.0
  2. Under ONIX SectionsONIX Recipients click the Lookup button to select a customer record. The customer record selected is promptly added to the recipients register
  3. Enter the following recipient’s specifications
    • XML Encoding Attribute: e.g. ISO 8859-1
    • Output folder: To avoid access issues resulting from network hopping, the output folder should be on same server as FAPS
    • File naming convention
    • File creation mode: TEST/LIVE
    • Transmission method
    • Email message body
    • FTP details
    • Addressee Identifier composite
    • XPath Rules & Constraints
    • Allowed Characters: e.g. for character encoding ISO 8859-1, the character ranges are 32 to 127, and 160 to 255
  4. Click Save

The Addressee data elements are taken from the settings you make per recipient. You can setup multiple recipients and the system will independently create distinct ONIX feed per recipient, with their specified data elements, to meet their transmission requirements.

Set the ONIX version to 3.0

To set the default ONIX version do the following

  1. Select MaintenancePreferences Other Preferences
  2. Expand Stock LedgerSection Four
  3. In the “In stock & production window, use the ONIX release type:” box, select ONIX 3.0
  4. Click the Save button

Map Focus blurbs to their ONIX equivalent

  1. Select MaintenancePreferences Other Preferences
  2. Expand Stock LedgerSection Four
  3. In the “Mapping standard blurbs to equivalent ONIX codes” box select an ONIX equivalent for the following
  4. Click the Save button

Select default ONIX recipient

Select one of the registered ONIX 3 recipients as the Default. The profile of the default ONIX recipient is used to test the validity of each product record during the global update run.
  1. Select MaintenancePreferences > Other Preferences
  2. Expand Stock LedgerSection Four
  3. In the “Recipient Code for validating ONIX files” box select a recipient
  4. Click the Save Button

Set Stock Status Codes

The profile of the default ONIX recipient is used to test the validity of each product record during the global update run.

  1. Select MaintenancePreferences Other Preferences
  2. Expand Stock LedgerSection One
  3. In the “Stock Satus Values” box match the stock status codes
  4. Click the Save button

Setup internet email

Email account for sending email notification using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

  1. Select MaintenancePreferences > Other Preferences
  2. Expand GeneralSection One
  3. Under Internet E-mail Settings enter the following
    • Sender’s email address(e.g. noreply@example.com)
    • Incoming mail server (SMTP)
    • Outgoing mail server (SMTP) authentication (username & password)
    • Outgoing mail server port (usually ‘25’)
  4. Click the Save button