ONIX 3.0
Update the ONIX Data Elements
- Go to Accounts
- Select Stock Ledger > Product
- Select a title record
- Go to ONIX Records page
- The ONIX Screen displays ONIX 3.0 data elements
- Update the data elements as desired and click Save to finish
Focus provides for the full implementation of the ONIX message file. However, the requirements of most recipients of ONIX are met by the basic data elements.
Record Reference | ISBN-10 | ISBN-13 | Title | Format | BIC subject codes | BIC version | Imprint | Publisher | Publication Date | City/Town of Publication | Country of Publication | Number of pages / Extent | Availability Status Code | Price | Territorial Rights

Basic data elements ensure that the title record meets the requirements for ONIX validation. Only titles which meet ONIX validation get included in the output ONIX message file. All the Basic Data Elements can be updated on the general product window. The complete set of ONIX data elements are however accessible for update on the ONIX Records page.
Scheduled, hands-free creation of ONIX files
To setup scheduled, hands-free creation of ONIX files do the following
- Select Publishing > Production > ONIX 3.0
- Click Schedule ONIX
- Under ‘Jobs to be scheduled’ click the Build tab
- Specify the following scheduler settings
- Schedule title
- Execution Time
- Execution Date
- Email addresses to which notification will be sent
- Select ONIX recipients
- Select type of build
- Click Schedule Now
Cost of Sales Overview
Post costs from Purchases
Post Direct Job Transactions
Calculate unit costs
Job Profile / Enquiry
Calculate Royalty
Print, Email Royalty Statements
Post Royalty Payments
Withholding Tax on Royalty
Add Author Records
Set Royalty Rates
Set Rights Royalty