
- Short Campaign Title: This entry field should contain a short caption of the campaign. (maximum of 15 characters).
- Full Campaign Name: This entry field should contain the full descriptive text of the campaign. (maximum of 50 characters).
- Starting Date: This entry field captures the beginning date of the campaign
- Ending Date: This entry field captures the closing date of the campaign
- Total Brochures Printed: This entry field captures the total number of brochures that may have been printed for the campaign
- Total Additional Mailing: On this entry field, you may enter the total number mailings that may have been done outside the system for the campaign. Note that all letters and labels done within the system (for a campaign title) are automatically recognised by the system. They must not be included into this entry field.
- Recommended Retail Price (RRP): This entry field captures the recommended retail price of stock title(s) in the campaign
- Campaign Notes: On this entry field, you may enter some miscellaneous notes about the campaign
- Attach Stock to Campaigns: This is where you can attach stock titles to the campaign. The system allows you to attach stock individually or in groups by selecting the Stock Code or Stock Group option button. Whichever option you select, you must complete its accompanying entry box. To attach stock titles, click on the Attach button. Note that you can remove a stock code from the list by selecting the required stock code and clicking on the Remove button.
To add a new campaign
- Go to Publishing > Marketing .
- Click New Campaign button on the left panel toolbar.
- On the General tab, enter the Short Campaign Title and the Full Campaign Name
- Enter the Starting and Ending Dates,
- Enter the Parent Campaign name or tick to indicate that this is a parent campaign.
- Click the Save button to add the campaign

Getting Started
Sales Orders Processing
Title Database
Customer Records
Supplier Records
Purchase Orders
Nominal Accounts
Period & Year End Activities
Job Costing
Cost of Sales Overview
Post costs from Purchases
Post Direct Job Transactions
Calculate unit costs
Job Profile / Enquiry
Calculate Royalty
Print, Email Royalty Statements
Post Royalty Payments
Withholding Tax on Royalty
Add Author Records
Set Royalty Rates
Set Rights Royalty
Editorial & Production
GDPR Compliance
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Electronic Web Interface (EWI)
Making Tax Digital
Notification Emails