Journal Reviews

The Journal Review module enables you to maintain extensive information about your journal review contacts, send out review copies to them and keep detailed records of the transaction including deduction from stock and feedback information.

  • Send out a review copy to a Journal Reviewer
  • Manage Successful reviews.

Before you begin

  • Set the processing mode
  • Setup Journal Reviewer Records

To set the processing mode

You need to set how you wish to work Journal Review module:

  • maintain a separate table of your journal reviewers distinct from the Dealers table, or
  • maintain your journal reviewers within the Dealers table

To choose a mode of processing journal reviews, do the following

  1. Go to Maintenance > Preferences > Other Preferences.
  2. Expand General Settings and click Section 4.
  3. Tick the Force Journal Review to use Customer records box maintain journal reviewers within the Dealers table
  4. Un-tick the Force Journal Review to use Customer records box maintain a table of journal reviewers distinct from the Dealers table.
  5. Click Save/Exit

To setup Journal Reviewer Records

To declare a Journal Reviewer record in the customer window, do the following.

  1. On the main menu select Accounts > Sales Ledger > Records (Customers, Contacts) to open the Customers window.
  2. Select a customer record.
  3. On the Who is this Account holder? panel,  tick the Is a Journal Review Editor? box.
  4. Click the Save button

To send out a review copy to a Journal Reviewer

To send a review copy out, do the following.

  1. On the main menu select Publishing > Journal Review.
  2. Click the Generate Letters tab.
  3. Click the Record Selection Criteria bar to select journal reviewers
  4. In the Stock Code box enter the stock to be reviewed
  5. Click the Create button to create review letters and deduct stock.

To select journal reviewer from the Marketing Search tool

To select journal reviewer from the Marketing Search tool, do the following.

  1. On the main menu select Publishing > Marketing or click the Marketing button on the main toolbar.
  2. Click Customer Search to setup your search routine.
  3. Click Run Query to execute the search routine.
  4. Click the Journal Rvw button to transfer your search results to the Journal Review module.

Successful reviews

Mark a reviewer’s record as a successful review

How to Mark a reviewer’s record as a successful review

  1. On the main menu select Publishing > Journal Review.
  2. Click the Review History tab.
Attach copy of actual magazine review to reviewer’s record.
  1. On the Publishing menu click on Journal Review.
  2. Click the Review History tab.
  3. Click the Response dropdown and click Attach Document.
Archived reviews

View a stock’s review history

  1. On the Accounts menu, point to Stock Ledger and click Stock Records (Maintain).
  2. Select a stock record. Click the Assoc. Titles/Reviews to view the stock’s review history.

View a Reviewer’s review history

  1. On the Accounts menu, point to Sales Ledger and click Records (Customers Contacts).
  2. Select a customer record. Click the Reviewer History/Usage Log to view the customer’s review history.