Electronic Web Interface

The Electronic Web Interface enables you to

Create Outbox files

  1. Select Publishinge-Commerce > Web Interface
  2. Click the Create Outbox files button to create the following feeds to the outbox folder

customers | stock availability | order tracking | stock | author | contributor | associated title 

Send/Receive feeds

To Send/Receive global feeds

  1. Go to Publishinge-Commerce > Web Interface
  2. Click the Send/Receive All button to
    1. send all outbox feeds to the web and
    2. receive inbox feeds from the web

To Send/Receive individual feeds

  1. Go to Publishinge-Commerce > Web Interface
  2. Select ToolsSend/Receive > By Sections
  3. Select one of the feeds to Send/Receive

Process Inbox files

  1. Go to Publishinge-Commerce > Web Interface
  2. Click the Process Inbox files button to process the following feeds

sales orders | customers feed

Forward file to email

Select Tools > Forward to forward a feed to an email address

Schedule e-Commerce operation

To schedule e-Commerce operations, do the following

  1. select Tools > Schedule …
  2. select the operations you want to schedule. You are able to schedule the following operation on either a single database or multiple databases: send/receive, create outbox files, process inbox files, select Single or Multiple database processing
  1. select schedule settings – time, date, frequency
  2. click ‘OK, Schedule Now’