Interface your Focus database with your eCommerce website.
By using intermediate XML and CSV files, the Electronic Web Interface module provides a batch mode interface, subject to basic assumptions, between your eCommerce website and the Focus Advanced Publishing software database.
Setup: Before you can send/receive feeds you have to
Your website is trading in your local currency (e.g. GBP for the United Kingdom) therefore it will automatically attach price1 to every customer.
The tax code should have already been determined when the customer was placing the order to reflect their tax status and this should be in the web-orders feed coming back to focus.
The ecommerce module does not pass the override from the website to focus as this is not required for web related customers.
Setup Inbox/Outbox folders
To setup the inbox and outbox folders
Go to Tools> Options
Select the General> Settingstab
Click OKto finish
Setup FTP Directory
To setup the FTP Directory, do the following
Go to Tools> Options
Select the General> FTPProtocol tab
Click OKto finish
Activate feeds
To activate a feed type
Go to Tools> Options
Select the Feedstab
Tick the feed type you want to activate and setup the File Naming Convention and Criteria (if applicable)