Electronic Web Interface Outgoing Feeds

The Electronic Web Interface enables you to create / send

feeds, to the web, provided the feeds have been activated.

Activate feeds

To activate a feed type

  1. Go to ToolsOptions
  2. Select the Feedstab
  3. Tick the feed type you want to activate and setup the File Naming Convention and Criteria (if applicable)
  4. Click OKto finish

Outgoing feeds

Customer Feed (Outgoing)

This should contain only new customers that were locally created (i.e. in the office).

File Format:      xml
File Prefix:         ATF
File Name:       LC[6-digit sequential number].xml

Sample Record
Create customer feed

To create customer feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Create Outbox Files 
  3. select By Sections
  4. select Customer Feed
Send customer feed

To send customer feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Send/Receive
  3. select By Sections
  4. select Customer Feed
  5. select Send Only
Schedule Customer Feed

To schedule Customer Feed, do the following

  1. select Tools > Schedule …
  2. select the operations you want to schedule. You are able to schedule the following operation on either a single database or multiple databases
  3. send/receive
  4. create outbox files
  5. select Single or Multiple database processing
  6. select schedule settings – time, date, frequency
  7. click ‘OK, Schedule Now’
Feed Structure

XML tag nameField DescriptionData SizeComment
WEBACCAccount Number50 charFocus will reuse and maintain the same account number per customer
TITLETitle50 char
OTHNAMESOther Names50 char
SURNAMESurname50 char
ADDR1Address Line 150 char
ADDR2Address Line 250 char
TOWNTown50 char
COUNTYCounty/State50 char
POSTCODEPostcode/Zip50 char
EMAILEmail50 char
PHONEPhone50 char
FAXFax50 char
WEBSITEWebsite50 char
CUSTTYPECustomer Type50 char
SCHOOLTYPESchool Type50 chare.g. Independent

Stock Feed

This is the primary stock record. The “Code” is the primary key. The file structure is user definable.

File Format:      xml
File Prefix:         SF

Sample Record
Create stock feed

To create stock feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Create Outbox Files
  3. select By Sections
  4. select stock Feed
Send stock feed

To send stock feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Send/Receive
  3. select By Sections
  4. select stock Feed
  5. select Send Only
Schedule stock Feed

To schedule stock Feed, do the following

  1. select Tools > Schedule …
  2. select the operations you want to schedule. You are able to schedule the following operation on either a single database or multiple databases
  3. send/receive
  4. create outbox files
  5. select Single or Multiple database processing
  6. select schedule settings – time, date, frequency
  7. click ‘OK, Schedule Now’
Feed Structure

The structure of the stock feed is user definable. CODE (Links to Code in Stock_Rec Table).

To define the structure of the stock feed, do the following

  1. select Tools > Options …
  2. select the Feeds tab
  3. tick the Stock feed
  4. select the Feed Setup tab in the bottom panel
  5. click OK to finish

Tracking Feed

This file will contain individual tracking record for each title ordered. Each tracking record contains information about the progress of an order through the back office accounting and distribution system.

File Format:      xml
File Prefix:         ATF

Sample Record
Create tracking feed

To create tracking feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Create Outbox Files
  3. select By Sections
  4. select Tracking Feed
Send tracking feed

To send Tracking feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Send/Receive
  3. select By Sections
  4. select Tracking Feed
  5. select Send Only
Schedule tracking Feed

To schedule Tracking Feed, do the following

  1. select Tools > Schedule …
  2. select the operations you want to schedule. You are able to schedule the following operation on either a single database or multiple databases
  3. send/receive
  4. create outbox files
  5. select Single or Multiple database processing
  6. select schedule settings – time, date, frequency
  7. click ‘OK, Schedule Now’
Feed Structure

XML tag nameField DescriptionData SizeComment
WEBACCCustomer Account50 Char
FOCORDNOFocus order Number50 char
CUSTREFCustomer ReferenceThis the web order reference number
DATEDate50 char
TIMETime50 char
STKCODEStock Code50 char
TITLETitle150 char
QTYQuantityNumber 2 dec
EMAILEmail Address50 char
ORDSTATUSOrder Status50 char
DESPATCHDATEDespatch Date50 char
PARCELNOSNo of Parcels50 char
DESPATCHMETHODCarrier & Service Type50 char
SENTTOCUSTSent to Customer FlagBooleanTo be updated when a customer has been notified of the record. Not included in XML message
SENTTOWEBSent to website FlagBooleanTo be updated when a WEBSITE has been notified of the record. Not included in XML message

Configure Status Notes

To configure tracking status notes, do the following

  1. select Tools > Options …
  2. select the Feeds tab
  3. tick the Order Tracking feed
  4. select the Status Notes tab in the bottom panel
  5. click OK to finish

Availability Feed

This feed presents the daily stock quantity to confirm the availability status of each stock record.

As Focus is a multi-location system, the stock quantity presented in the Stock feed is a total for all locations. However, in practice there is usually a pre-designated location for web stock.  This can be presented in this Availability feed.

The Availability feed file contains absolute figures of the stock balances. By replacing this file each time it is uploaded, it provides a perpetual refreshment of the location quantities, of only stock that recorded any kind of change on the web.

File Format:      CSV
File Prefix:         AVF

Sample Record
Feed Structure

Field DescriptionComment
stock_codeLinks to Code in Stock_Rec Table

Create availability feed

To create availability feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Create Outbox Files
  3. select By Sections
  4. select availability Feed
Send availability feed

To send availability feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Send/Receive
  3. select By Sections
  4. select availability Feed
  5. select Send Only
Schedule availability feed

To schedule availability feed, do the following

  1. select Tools > Schedule …
  2. select the operations you want to schedule. You are able to schedule the following operation on either a single database or multiple databases
  3. send/receive
  4. create outbox files
  5. select Single or Multiple database processing
  6. select schedule settings – time, date, frequency
  7. click ‘OK, Schedule Now’

Author Feed

This feed contains the blurb or bibliography of each author.  The “Account” field is the primary key.

File Format:      xml
File Prefix:         AF

Feed Structure

Account (Links to Code in Dealers Table) name

Sample Record
Create author feed

To create author feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Create Outbox Files
  3. select By Sections
  4. select author Feed
Send author feed

To send author feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Send/Receive
  3. select By Sections
  4. select author Feed
  5. select Send Only
Schedule author feed

To schedule author feed, do the following

  1. select Tools > Schedule …
  2. select the operations you want to schedule. You are able to schedule the following operation on either a single database or multiple databases
  3. send/receive
  4. create outbox files
  5. select Single or Multiple database processing
  6. select schedule settings – time, date, frequency
  7. click ‘OK, Schedule Now’

Contributors Feed

This feed holds the relationship between the stock record and the author (s) of the stock records. The “stock” in the feed, links to the primary stock record and the “account” links to the Author Feed (AF).

File Format:      xml
File Prefix:         CF

Feed Structure

Field DescriptionXML tag nameComment
accountRECORDLinks to Code in Dealers Table
stockRECORDLinks to Code in Stock_Rec Table

Sample Record
Create contributors feed

To create author feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Create Outbox Files
  3. select By Sections
  4. select author Feed
Send contributors feed

To send author feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Send/Receive
  3. select By Sections
  4. select author Feed
  5. select Send Only
Schedule contributors feed

To schedule author feed, do the following

  1. select Tools > Schedule …
  2. select the operations you want to schedule. You are able to schedule the following operation on either a single database or multiple databases
  3. send/receive
  4. create outbox files
  5. select Single or Multiple database processing
  6. select schedule settings – time, date, frequency
  7. click ‘OK, Schedule Now’

Associated Title Feed

This feed holds the relationship between the parent stock and the associated (child) stock. Both codes link back to the stock records.

File Format:      xml
File Prefix:         ATF

Feed Structure

Field DescriptionXML tag nameComment
associatedRECORDLinks to Code in Stock_Rec Table
stockRECORDLinks to Code in Stock_Rec Table

Sample Record
Create associated title feed

To create author feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Create Outbox Files
  3. select By Sections
  4. select author Feed
Send associated title feed

To send author feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Send/Receive
  3. select By Sections
  4. select author Feed
  5. select Send Only
Schedule associated title feed

To schedule author feed, do the following

  1. select Tools > Schedule …
  2. select the operations you want to schedule. You are able to schedule the following operation on either a single database or multiple databases
  3. send/receive
  4. create outbox files
  5. select Single or Multiple database processing
  6. select schedule settings – time, date, frequency
  7. click ‘OK, Schedule Now’