Electronic Web Interface Incoming Feeds

The Electronic Web Interface enables you to receive / process

from the web directly into the sales order processing (SOP) system, provided the feeds have been activated.

Activate feeds

To activate a feed type

  1. Go to ToolsOptions
  2. Select the Feedstab
  3. Tick the feed type you want to activate and setup the File Naming Convention and Criteria (if applicable)
  4. Click OKto finish

Incoming feeds

Sales Orders

This file should contain orders for newly created and existing customers. File Format:      xml File Prefix:         ATF File Name:       OD[6-digit sequential number].xml
Sample Record
Receive Sales Orders

To receive sales orders, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Send/Receive
  3. select By Sections
  4. select Customer Feed
  5. select Receive Only
Process Sales Orders

To process sales orders, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. Process Inbox Files
  3. select By Sections
  4. select Sales Orders
Schedule Sales Orders

To schedule Sales Orders, do the following

  1. select Tools > Schedule …
  2. select the operations you want to schedule. You are able to schedule the following operation on either a single database or multiple databases
  3. send/receive
  4. process inbox files
  5. select Single or Multiple database processing
  6. select schedule settings – time, date, frequency
  7. click ‘OK, Schedule Now’ 
Feed Structure

XML tag nameField DescriptionData SizeComment
WEBACCAccount Number50 charFocus will reuse and maintain the same account number per customer
WEBORDNO Order numberNumber (0 Decimal)Please insert the unique order number allocated to this purchase. Focus will copy the reference into the customer reference field of each order.
DELADDCHGDelivery address changeBOLEANIf the delivery address is not the same as recorded in customer’s account, please answer (YES). This is to ensure that our address consolidation routine retains such changes, otherwise if multiple orders, it will merge per account number.
NAMECompany/ Name 50 char
DELADDR1Delivery Address Line 150 char
DELADDR2Delivery Address Line 250 char
DELADDR3Delivery Address Line 350 char
DELADDR4Delivery Address Line 450 char
DELADDR5Delivery Address Line 550 char
EMAILEmail50 char This will update the default email address for the customer
PHONEPhone50 char
PAYMTPaymentMoney or 2 DecimalsAmount collected as payment for goods, this will post as payment into the nominated bank account
TOTNETNet order valueMoney or 2 Decimal This is a control line for cross checking completeness of the detail lines. The value should be (Order value – discount + postage + VAT). NOT MANDATORY
REQBYDATERequired by date
DELIVERY_ZONEDelivery zone
TYPEE-book type2 charHC = Hard Copy book, EV = Electronic View, EP = Electronic Print 
ISBN ISBN50 char
QTYOrder Quantity (a)Integer
PRICESelling Price (b)Money or 2 Decimal
DISCRDiscount Rate (c)2 Decimal
DISCADiscount Amount (d)2 DecimalGross Amount =(a * b) * (c/100)
GROSSGross Amount2 Decimal Gross Amount =(a * b) – d
POSTAGEPostage and Packing2 Decimal
TAX VAT Code2 charT0 = Zero rated tax, T1= standard tax of 17.50%
VAT VAT Amount2 Decimal
NET02 Decimal

Customer Feed (Incoming)

This should contain only new customers created on the web.

File Format:      xml
File Prefix:         ATF
File Name:       WC[6-digit sequential number].xml

Sample Record
Receive Customer Feed

To receive customer feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Send/Receive
  3. select By Sections
  4. select Customer Feed
  5. select Receive Only
Process Customer Feed

To process customer feed, do the following

  1. click Tools
  2. select Process Inbox Files
  3. select By Sections
  4. select Customer Feed
Schedule Customer Feed

To schedule Customer Feed, do the following

  1. select Tools > Schedule …
  2. select the operations you want to schedule. You are able to schedule the following operation on either a single database or multiple databases
  3. send/receive
  4. process inbox files
  5. select Single or Multiple database processing
  6. select schedule settings – time, date, frequency
  7. click ‘OK, Schedule Now’
Feed Structure

XML tag nameField DescriptionData SizeComment
ADDR1Address Line 150 char
ADDR2Address Line 250 char
AGERANGEAge Range50 chare.g. Primary, Secondary or Other
COMPANYCompany name
COUNTYCounty/State50 char
CUSTTYPECustomer Type50 char
EMAILEmail50 char
FAXFax50 char
HO_CODEHead office code
INTERESTInterest Code50 char
IS_HOIs Head office
OTHNAMESOther Names50 char
PHONEPhone50 char
POSTCODEPostcode/Zip50 char
SCHOOLTYPESchool Type50 chare.g. Independent
SORTKEY5Sort code
SURNAMESurname50 char
TITLETitle50 char
TOWNTown50 char
WEBACCAccount Number50 charFocus will reuse and maintain the same account number per customer
WEBSITEWebsite50 char