Royalty Statements

Print Author Royalty Statements

  1. Go to Publishing > Royalty
  2. Click on the batch drop-down list to specify a batch number.
  3. Click on the print icon to send the entire batch to your local printer.
  4. Then follow the printer dialogue messages.

Email: Royalty statement and author’s Statement of Account

  1. Go to Publishing > Royalty
  2. Click on the batch drop-down list to specify a batch number.
  3. Click on the email icon, labelled 3, to send the entire batch to each author’s email address.
  1. Click Next to continue.
  2. Please select “Use Multi-Title Statements” and to “Build & Include supplier statements”, to send both documents.
  3. Click Next to continue.
  1. Please visually confirm that all the authors have an email address attached to their name, as shown below.
  2. Click Next to continue.
  3. Next, please edit the email body to accompany the emails.
  4. Finally, click Next button again, and then OK, to email the “Multi-Title Statement and Statement of Account” as required.

Export royalty statement summary to PDF, Excel or CSV format

To export the Single-title per author statement summary or the Multi-Title statement summary to PDF, Excel or CSV format,

  1. Go to Publishing > Royalty
  2. Select a royalty Batch number
  3. The system defaults on the Single-Title tab, otherwise click the Multi-Title tab to display a list of statements
  4. Select PDF, Excel or CSV format as shown below.
  5. Provide a filename and click Save.

 If you wish to export another royalty batch, simply select the required batch from the batch drop-down list provided, and then repeat the above steps.